I business vincenti.

26 marzo 2007

E' davvero divertente leggere come gli altri trader cerchino affannosamente di trovare delle risposte complicate:economie drogate,mercati manipolati,ecc.Per i grandi investitori invece,comprare un'azione è prima di tutto comprare un business.Un business vincente cresce,i perdenti "muoiono".

  • Dell Computer Had you invested just $10,000 in Dell Computer in 1990, you'd be sitting on $6 million today.
  • Southwest Airlines Had you invested $10,000 in Southwest in 1980, you'd be sitting on $2.7 million today.
  • Wal-Mart Had you invested 10,000 in Wal-Mart in 1975, you'd be sitting on $25 million today.

Are these extreme examples? Sure.

But just imagine if you could do half as well... or even one-third as well. Imagine how that would change your life... not to mention your peace of mind and your retirement plans.

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